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Operational Advisory Services

Pro Sports Consulting brings decades of team and facility operations experience to help you and your finance and feasibility team better design project development budgets, operating budgets and cash flow analyses. We can review and provide opinions or recommendations on all revenue projections including ticket sales, attendance, naming rights, sponsorship, premium seating, concession sales, merchandise revenues, facility rentals and parking revenues. We also review and make recommendations of all expense items including start-up expenses and scheduling, staffing levels and costs, operating expenses, maintenance expenses and long term capital expenses.

We do reviews of operations with benchmarking and recommendations for improvement of those operations, help prepare RFPs for services and negotiate new vendor agreements. We have also provided ongoing supervision of operations or start-ups.

Pro Sports Consulting teams with partner organizations to create reports that can identify all operational design requirements for entertainment and sports facilities including requirements for all revenue streams as well as FF&E and other system needs for concessions, data, telecom, advertising, merchandising, parking, etc.

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